REBOL3 tracker
  0.9.12 beta
Ticket #0002170 User: anonymous


TypeBug Statusreviewed Date13-Sep-2014 15:21
Versionr3 master CategoryDatatype Submitted byfork
PlatformAll Severityminor Prioritynormal

Summary SORT is not case-insensitive by default
Description Rebol 2 has a case-insensitive sort.

>> sort "ABCabcdefDEF"
== "AaBbCcdDeEfF"

Consistent with the rest of Rebol canon, you must use a refinement to get sensitivity:

>> sort/case "ABCabcdefDEF"
== "ABCDEFabcdef"

Rebol3 does not stick to the pattern.

>> sort "ABCabcdefDEF"
== "ABCDEFabcdef"

Whether Rebol should be case-sensitive or not by default when dealing with strings is controversial, but... that argument may be unwinnable. I've mentioned my own thought on that matter as:

" The need to use == instead of = to get case sensitive comparison, and instruct the primitives to use it with a refinement (e.g. SORT/CASE instead of SORT) is a choice that leads to grumbling from some in the Rebol and Red community. From a hardware point of view, it's kind of like "a" is "A" - handling uppercase specially being the exception and not the rule. I've theorized that if keyboards had 52 letters Rebol would be case-sensitive by default, and if you had to push shift to get a [ and didn't for a { it would use curly braces for code blocks..."

And we have other questions about FIND and BITSET and if FIND should honor the /CASE refinement when dealing with bitsets. PARSE in Rebol3 does. It's a little tough when I don't necessarily completely support the idea that "HoStiLeFoRK" = "HOSTILEFORK" in the first place. But... that aside...

Even those supporting the idea that BITSET testing should be unique think this SORT issue is a bug. SORT should be case-insensitive without a /CASE refinement.
Example code


Assigned ton/a Fixed in- Last Update21-Oct-2014 17:38

21-Oct-2014 17:38

This is a bug, not a design change. SORT is supposed to be case-insensitive by default. There's a separate bug (in another ticket) for SORT completely ignoring its /case option at the moment.

Date User Field Action Change
21-Oct-2014 17:38 BrianH Description Modified -
21-Oct-2014 17:38 BrianH Category Modified Unspecified => Datatype
21-Oct-2014 17:38 BrianH Status Modified submitted => reviewed
21-Oct-2014 17:38 BrianH Comment : 0004525 Added -
13-Sep-2014 15:21 fork Ticket Added -