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  0.9.12 beta
Ticket #0002128 User: anonymous


TypeIssue Statussubmitted Date7-Mar-2014 06:05
Versionr3 master CategoryUnspecified Submitted byBrianH
PlatformAll Severitymajor Priorityhigh

Summary [Epic] Backwards-incompatible API changes, for the greater good
Description The newly open source Rebol is an opportunity for us to have a brand new start, to make the language we want to promote to the world. This is the time to clean it up. Rebol 3 will have more users than Rebol has had in its whole history, and it's those users who will matter the most.

This is a list of the changes to APIs that are not going to be backwards compatible with Rebol 2, or even with the last closed-source alpha. All of these changes need to happen before 3.0, because after 3.0 we're going to start considering compatibility with existing code to be a blocker again. But until then, let's do it right, as if it's the first time. Remember #666, it applies to everything listed here.

No syntax changes here, that's for another epic. Just APIs and semantics and a few names. Related tickets in the first comment, to make linking easier. Status will be updated there.
Example code


Assigned ton/a Fixed in- Last Update7-Mar-2014 16:38

7-Mar-2014 06:05

Rebol 3 is a new language, based on more than a decade of experience with languages of the Rebol language model, notably Rebol 1 and 2. Even though we're doing a new start, it's based on a solid foundation and a lot of knowledge about what works and what doesn't in a Rebol-like language. So we have changes based on some hard lessons learned.

Previously useful, now differently useful:
- Some functions that used to be mezzanine are now native (notably all of Rebol 2's loops). This changes the performance balance.
- Some functions that used to be native are now mezzanines that call new natives internally (notably LOAD). This lets us improve them.
- Some natives call Rebol functions internally now (notably DO). This makes it possible to write the really difficult or flexible stuff in Rebol.
- Some functions that used to be actions are now natives (notably the ordinals), or internal. This makes it easier to make datatypes and port schemes.
- Some operations that used to trigger errors now return none instead, and vice-versa. This improves control flow and debuggability.
- Some things are just outright different, due to the new runtime model. It's a new language underneath, superficially the same where appropriate.
- Some things were changed because they had bugs or design flaws that made them effectively useless. They were rarely used, because they couldn't be.
- Some of the old stuff will still be usable, but through an optional module (see #2132). This clearly marks legacy code, so we know what needs cleaning up.
- Some features are just gone, because they don't make sense in the new model (notably the function [catch] option).
- Some features are temporarily gone, because they were either written for the old model, or because they were third-party closed source. We can rewrite them.
- #[none] is really important now, treated throughout as a placeholder for missing data. Many functions changed, even the series model rethought around this.
- The "errors are your friends" principle #2133. No errors triggered unless it is more useful to consider the condition erroneous, but then they're always triggered.
- More polymorphic behavior. If a built-in function can support a type in a way that is consistent with the type's semantics, and isn't better an error, we add support (i.e. SELECT).

Previously useful, now differently useful, in specific:
- You can add words to objects now. You can even do so with APPEND. Just about everything depends on this.
- And there are two kinds of objects: functions use different objects with stack-relative addressing, and you can't add words to these.
- And for normal objects 'self is a binding keyword, not a word in the object. We have 'self for real now.
- Binding control functions and closures make "selfless" objects. Selfless objects can even add a 'self word that's a normal field, not infrastructure.
- Speaking of "closures", we have a new function type called closure!. It has different advantages than the function! type (which is also new). Both are better.
- We also have added a datatype to support semantics which the normal object type doesn't and can't have the right balance for. They have different uses.
- DO's /next option takes a parameter of a word to set, rather than multi-value-return in a block. This is a performance change.
- LOAD has a different, simpler API, and can categorically do more stuff (with more codecs, of course). Except LOAD/next has been moved to TRANSCODE.
- Reflection with ordinal functions is gone. REFLECT and its *-OF wrappers (like WORDS-OF) are what you use now, even in Rebol 2.
- IF, UNLESS and EITHER are easier to use in expression style now. IF/else and ELSE are now finally gone.
- Make it easier to omit things in COMPOSE #2198.

Unified conditional model:
- TRUE = TO LOGIC! 0 #2055 - Have TO LOGIC! be conditional, leave MAKE LOGIC! C-like behavior for when it's needed.
- Conditional operators #1879 - Make AND, OR, XOR, AND~, OR~ and XOR~ conditional.
- Bitwise operations by UNION, INTERSECT and DIFFERENCE - To make conditional operators possible. Needs a ticket.
- Unsets as noops in ANY and ALL #534 and #850 - The errors aren't useful, and truthy unsets are bad news.

Categorically cleaned-up semantics:
- Indexing model #2117 - Consensus reached. Ironically, more compatible with Rebol 2; it's old Rebol 3 code that needs fixing.
- Unified record-oriented function behavior - Needs an epic. See #2110 for the core semantics.
- None propagation rebalancing - Needs an epic to collect the tickets referring to the changes already done. Also, check for holes.
- More uniform DO behavior #2124 - Make the language easier to understand and teach by cleaning up the gotchas.
- More modular modules #2131 - Simplify the use of the module system for modular development.
- Rebalanced equivalences #1834, #1133, #1134 - Needs an epic (#1834 comes close).

Bad/useless/out-of-place functions replaced by good ones:
- New FOR #884 - FORTRAN-style FOR was rarely useful, and thus rarely used. Replace with a more general C-like FOR.
- Mins and maxes with a useful API and better names #1971 and #1972.
- ALTER's return value made more useful, but the function itself might not be useful enough to keep. Needs bug fixes if we keep it.
- OBJECT replaces CONTEXT to create objects #2118, WRAP replaces CONTEXT when not creating objects #2119, CONTEXT deprecated #2123 - The name "context" turned out to be misleading.
- Unblock THROW/name and CATCH/name - Old bug made these useless. Needs an epic to cover all the relevant tickets.
- CATCH-ALL in the test suite should be supported as a real native API, not as a hack (because we have to close some holes). Needs a ticket.
- The 'old module #2132 - Where we put the old stuff we're displacing. Might be a prerequisite for some changes.

New, but with unacceptable APIs and/or bad/missing features:
- REWORD #1990 - Refined API needed. Merged, but the SO article needs enhancing with the new stuff.
- TRANSCODE - It doesn't do everything needed (#1915), and needs a new API (#1916 alternate 4).
- PROTECT and UNPROTECT - New API needed, maybe new model. Needs its own epic. The /hide stuff is OK.
- SPLIT #2051 - API adjustment needed. It breaks the /into model, and we might need to consider that it isn't very Rebol-like. Those numbers are opaque.

Still collecting the list.

#1990 and #2055 merged already. #534 in from the old days, but #850 shows it needs work. #1879 needs another request for bitwise operators, and maybe more debate.

Date User Field Action Change
5-Mar-2015 14:04 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
8-Mar-2014 22:36 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
8-Mar-2014 21:14 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
8-Mar-2014 21:11 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
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8-Mar-2014 20:15 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
8-Mar-2014 20:12 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
8-Mar-2014 20:02 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
8-Mar-2014 19:59 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
8-Mar-2014 11:28 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 17:29 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 17:28 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
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7-Mar-2014 16:43 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 16:41 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 16:38 BrianH Description Modified -
7-Mar-2014 09:51 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 09:46 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 09:41 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 09:15 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 08:33 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 07:53 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 07:05 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 06:57 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 06:57 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 06:54 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 06:53 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 06:48 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 06:46 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Modified -
7-Mar-2014 06:05 BrianH Comment : 0004331 Added -
7-Mar-2014 06:05 BrianH Ticket Added -