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  0.9.12 beta
Ticket #0002010 User: anonymous


TypeBug Statussubmitted Date2-Apr-2013 11:11
Versionr3 master CategoryDatatype Submitted byLadislav
PlatformAll Severitymajor Prioritynormal

Summary When molding URL, MOLD/ALL (and MOLD) does not yield recognizable string sometimes
Description When molding certain URL's both MOLD/ALL as well as MOLD yield strings that aren't recognizable as URL's. MOLD/ALL has to be corrected.

The question being whether to adjust MOLD as well.
Example code
mold/all #[url! ""] ; == "" ; {#[url! ""]} expected!
mold/all #[url! "a"] ; == "a" ; {#[url! "a"]} expected!
mold/all #[url! " "] ; == " " ; {#[url! " "]} expected!
mold/all #[url! "12:45"] ; == "12:45" ; {#[url! "12:45"]} expected!

Assigned ton/a Fixed in- Last Update6-Apr-2013 09:56

4-Apr-2013 03:15

Do you want this just for url! or also for other series types with limited syntax, such as file!, email! and the path types? There are other types that don't MOLD properly if they aren't values that were specified in normal non-construction-spec syntax. Do we want to make this a general rule?
4-Apr-2013 03:26

One part is MOLD/ALL. For MOLD/ALL the resulting string must be recognizable as representing the value of the specific datatype, meaning that MOLD/ALL processed file must be recognizable as a file, MOLD/ALL processed email must be recognizable as an email, MOLD/ALL processed path must be recognizable as a path. I am not sure what the preferences are for MOLD (and don't care much)

Date User Field Action Change
6-Apr-2013 09:56 Ladislav Category Modified Syntax => Datatype
4-Apr-2013 03:28 Ladislav Comment : 0003752 Modified -
4-Apr-2013 03:26 Ladislav Comment : 0003752 Added -
4-Apr-2013 03:15 BrianH Comment : 0003751 Added -
2-Apr-2013 19:22 Ladislav Code Modified -
2-Apr-2013 18:50 Ladislav Category Modified Native => Syntax
2-Apr-2013 18:49 Ladislav Category Modified Unspecified => Native
2-Apr-2013 18:49 Ladislav Severity Modified minor => major
2-Apr-2013 18:20 Ladislav Code Modified -
2-Apr-2013 18:03 Ladislav Code Modified -
2-Apr-2013 18:01 Ladislav Description Modified -
2-Apr-2013 11:12 Ladislav Summary Modified MOLD/ALL and MOLD of URL does not yield recognizable string => When molding URL, MOLD/ALL (and MOLD) does not yield recognizable string sometimes
2-Apr-2013 11:12 Ladislav Code Modified -
2-Apr-2013 11:11 Ladislav Ticket Added -