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Ticket #0001847 User: anonymous


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TypeNote Statussubmitted Date14-Feb-2011 12:20
Versionalpha 110 Categoryn/a Submitted bypekr
PlatformAll Severityminor Prioritynormal

Summary Naming discrepancy of dialect level options vs style level options block
Description Imagine following GUI code:

button red 60x10 "OK" options [whatever: value]

In above code, "red", "60x10" and "OK" are options. I call them "inline" or "inlined" options.

Then we have the options block, which maps fot face facets, but not directly.

In style definition for a button, we have:

    facets: [
        init-size: 130x24
        text-body: "Button"
        text-style: 'button
        max-size: 260x24
        min-size: 80x24

    options: [
        text-body: [string! block!]
        area-color: [tuple!]
        init-size: [pair!]
        wide: [percent!]

As you can see, in the style level, name 'options refers to "inline" iptions parameters. Users might be confused, seeing dialect level 'option word, and style level 'option word, that those might be somehow related, which is not the case.

I don't know what renaming I would suggest - that is never easy! General names for options might be attribs, params. But the same way facets could be renamed.

I might have one suggestion though, renaming style/options to style/params or style/inlined.
Example code


Assigned ton/a Fixed in- Last Update28-Feb-2011 09:51

14-Feb-2011 12:23

Hmm, when renaming style/options to style/params, then I wonder if style/facets could be renamed to style/options, to align with the dialect level options word. Or at dialect level we could use:

button red 60x10 "OK" facets [whatever: value]

As I said - it is not easy to decide, but if it stays the way it is, it is confusing ...
28-Feb-2011 09:51

Same word can have different meaning in different contexts. OPTIONS in GUI dialect is different from FACE/OPTIONS. And as you always prefer Carl's version over RMA's GUI, you should be very happy to know that this is Carl's original naming and therefore it isn't bug.

Date User Field Action Change
28-Feb-2011 09:51 rebolek Comment : 0003135 Added -
14-Feb-2011 12:23 pekr Comment : 0003106 Added -
14-Feb-2011 12:20 pekr Ticket Added -