Work in progress...
CureCode is a online bugtracking tool written in
REBOL programming language and using our
Cheyenne web server and
RSP framework.
Main features are :
- Great performances : very fast page rendering
- Database backend : MySQL
- Small : 79KB (size of compressed archive)
- Localized : support for English and French provided
- Attached file support with image thumbnails previews
- Built-in Mail Transfer Agent, no need for 3rd-party servers
- Open source: BSD license (included jQuery UI library distributed under MIT license)
It's still in beta stage and there's several useful features to add to reach a 1.0. Anyway we use it in production since a couple of years for several projects saving us a lot of time.
Since december 2008, CureCode has been chosen by
REBOL Technologies to host tickets tracking for their upcoming new
This web site is under construction, a lot more to come soon.
Installation: quick guide
- Cheyenne server version from SVN repository
- REBOL/Core binary v2.7.6+
- Installed MySQL server version 3, 4 or 5.x (5+ recommended)
- MySQL server has to be configured to allow TCP/IP access from localhost
- NConvert command-line utility for images processing
- A pair of private/public keys from ReCaptcha for the target domain of your Curecode instance.
Install process
- Ensure that your MySQL server is running and properly configured.
- Unpack the CureCode archive and move the curecode/ folder to its final place.
- Copy the NConvert binary to public/files/ folder.
- Go to curecode/private/ folder.
- Open a REBOL console and run the install script: do %install.r
- Follow the install instructions and answer the questions (defaults are OK for a first install).
- Add the generated webapp config block to Cheyenne's http.cfg file under the appropriate domain section.
- Edit curecode/private/instances/default/recaptcha.keys file and put there your own Recaptcha keys.
- Start Cheyenne.
- Go to http://<yourdomain>/curecode/ and log in as administrator.
- Go to Manage page and create a first project.
- Congrats, you can now add new tickets and start using CureCode!